Monday 19 November 2018

Convention of a Horror Movie

Camera Shots

Camerawork is very expressive and not natural. High and Low angles can connote fear and nightmares.
The most important shots is the one that show the audience the world from the monster´s eye.Handheld shots make it difficlt for the audience to make out what is happening.Types of shots used like ECU on a certain victim´s face can help the audience indentification with horror and fear, and also to exclude any threats

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Make up and Costume

It’s easy to say costumes and make-up are important because they’re scarier. The real answer is more important and can be broken down into a couple of parts. Firstly, filmmakers want you to know the difference between protagonists and antagonists. They will obviously make it obvious which side you should be rooting for throughout the movie. They want you to feel it in the pit of your stomach too. If the protagonists are weak and sweet you’ll feel sorry for them, so if anything bad happens you’ll feel even worse. You will be pulled into a world where you truly care about the wellbeing of fictional characters


Generally, horror movies enjoy placing their characters in a locale where there’s no one around to help them.
For example the woods, a ghost town, a summer camp, a dormitory during the off season, an abandoned amusement park or a house of the middle of nowhere.
Isolation is key theme to horrors- so where is better than a cabin in the woods? They usually run down and well lived in.
The cabin usually comes accompanied by no phone signal and something creepy haunting it or a killer in a nearby cave. The horror is usually shot autumn/ winter time so there are leaves on the ground and the tree´s are bare.

Resultado de imagen de location in horror


Audio is key wen editing, using sound will help build suspense. Exaggerate diegetic sound will allow tension to be created in the film. Also fast and loud non diegetic sound can add to making the audience jump or fell scared. In some cases the sequence can go completely silent in order to build suspense. The tone of  a phone going dead or just ringing is very ominous in horror films and often crops up in the genre.

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