Thursday 10 January 2019

Research on audience

Today we are going to be finding what type of audience like Horror movies, this Is because our film oppening Is of horror so by doing this we cann see what do our audience like and dislike and Improve it so Is more attractive to them.


Today we´ve made a survey to our audience to know what genre do they like, dislike and some movie questions, this could help us In our movie letting us know their opinion.



1. What gender are you?

I am a female

2. How old are you?

I´m 18 years old

3. What type of film genre do you like?

I enjoy action films 

4. What type of film genre do you dislike?

Horror films

5. How often do you watch films?

Once a week

6. What type of subgener Is your favourite?


7. What is your favourite film?

I enjoy Security, Is an action film

8. Do you like any of these films:
  • Harry Potter: Yes
  • High School Musical: Yes
  • Star Wars: No
  • Narnia: Yes
  • The Fault In our stars: No


By doing this research on my audience, I have adquired information that it can be usefull to me when doing the film. This Is because I will take In consideration the opinions of our audience and try to create a outstanding film oppening that they enjoy a lot.

Here you can see a student of the school answering the questionnaire


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