Monday 18 March 2019

Finished Blog Conclusion

Over this year I have improved hugely In my skills of making films, learning shots and understanding digital media. We have made a film opening of 2 minutes which we are very proud of and achieved our target audience. 

At the beginning of the year I didn't have any idea on using editing software and over this year my skills have improved hugely until reaching a point were I can edit a film opening without any problem. Sincerely, in September I didn't expected that I was going to dominate these editing software as I do nowadays.

I used iMovie to make my Practice Task which was very fun to record, and finally I used Movie Maker to edit our Final Film Opening. With Movie Maker, I really learned how to use editing software although I used many more types of software which I can use without any trouble.

My team has worked brilliant and we have complemented and helped each other , each of us have contributed in many ideas and we have tried to achieve the best result possible. It has been fantastic to work with them this year and we hope to work next year as a group again.

Finally, i'm very proud of all the work I have done and of all the progress I have achieved in Media Studies and Media Production which has helped me a lot and use many types of software efficiently that I can use in the future for several tasks.

Friday 15 March 2019

Our Final Film Opening!!

Hi everyone!!! Here Is my final film opening. One of the most important part of my blog.

This year we had many classes about camera shots, camera angles, sounds, convention and many other points, all the things I learned were practiced on my final film opening and Im very happy about our final result.

We have worked very hard and spent lots of hours working on our film and trying to make it the best as possible, Finally I love the result and I hope you also love it As I do!!!!!

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Evaluation Question 1

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

Tuesday 12 March 2019

Evaluation Question 2

How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

Monday 11 March 2019

Sunday 10 March 2019

Evaluation Question 4

How did you integrate technologies, software, online,and hardware, In this project?

Saturday 9 March 2019

Promoting our Film

We have been thinking about different ways of how could we promote our film, we selected many ideas and came to the conclusion that the best way Is by Social Media, Painted T-shirts and Posters.

We have created a Instagram page to promote our film, this was One of the ideas we had. Nowadays young people (10-20) use social networks frequently and many people can get to know our film, its a fast,free,and usefull way of promoting our film. We also used a facebook user so people from older ages (20-30) which use facebook can see our film and by that way we also promote our film

Furthermore, we made some t-shirts and a sweater with the title of our film, by this we can reach more audience. Personally I think its a great idea because people will think Is a very popular film and will have some interest of watching it. On the other hand the t-shirt and sweater has a cost but it will be worth it as we will have more audience

Our last idea Is to create some posters about the film, we can locate them in many places, it has to be visible for people and In a place were lots of people can see it like In the Cinema, the street, bus-stops.... This method will be effective as people will see the posters and Is not too expensive