Sunday 16 December 2018

Risk Evaluation

Today In class we have been discussing the possible problems that can occur during our filming procces. Because our movie Is going to be recorded In a old train station which Is abandoned we need to be carefull because of toxic materials that could be there, dangerous animals could also be a risk and the old walls of the station Is also a issue.

We can also have problems during filming because an actor and touch something toxic or even fall because the land In the station have fungi.

Also the weather Is another trouble, because it can start to rain or just the wind.

Moreover some of the filming materials could fall and get damaged or break

What Is the risk?
Type of risk
How to avoid the risk
The camera can fall
Be carefull where the camera Is located, put it on a safety place and take care.
Problems with the weather
Marta, Celia and Jose Pablo
See how Is the weather a few hours before filming.
Actors can fall during the filming procces
Celia and Jose Pablo
Be carefull when we are recording and walking or running, also wear a pair of sport shoes


Today In class I planned the lighting In our film and In horror movies.

Thursday 13 December 2018

Filming Timetable

Today we organised our filming timetable and what are we going to film each day and who Is filming. We also put the props we are using.

11th January
Rails station shots

Celia as Lidia
12th January
Rail station, the role of the kidnapper walking on the rails

Jose Pablo as Jake
13th January
Inside the station
Movile Phone
Celia as Lidia
Jose Pablo as Jake

Plot Ideas

Today we have been giving some ideas of horror films and we wrote them on. Secondly we made everyone vote for their favorite idea and the idea of "The Rails" was the most voted and finally the selected idea.

Tuesday 11 December 2018


Today In class I have been planning what every character Is wearing.

  • Main Character ( Lidia)
She needs to wear jeans and a black t-shirt , we wanted to show people (before the assesin chase her) that she was walking normally in the street

  • Secondary Character ( Jake)
We inspired my cloth on assesins In some movies, so people get a relation and think I am a evil character In the film. I´m wearin a black t-shirt and black trousers, also a sky mask so the character Lidia dont know my real identity.

Monday 10 December 2018


These last days we decided the location of our film opening and we came to the conclusion that the best idea was the old train station, its a very scary place and people will empathise more and get more into the film.


Characters of our film

Today I´ve been doing the characters of our film, its been dificult for us to select because we are three In the group and only two can act, at the end we deciced that the best idea Is that Celia and I became the main characters,we are very enthusiastic about it.